24 Legacy: Moran Atias Joins Cast

tv-news-24-legacy-moran-atias-joins-castDeadline reports that Moran Atias has joined the cast of the Fox network’s upcoming 24 franchise reboot, 24: Legacy.


The reboot series will have us follow Eric Carter, a man who is part of an elite Army Rangers unit deployed to dispose a terrorist leader. Upon his return back to America and trying to get back to normal, Carter finds out that the leader’s crew has tracked him and the rest of his unit down and seeks the help of CTU and learns that they must stop what potentially could be one of the largest-scale terror attacks on American Soil.


Moran Atias (whose credits include Crash and Tyrant) will be playing the role of the mysterious Sidra, Tony Almeida’s strong, attractive and intense associate who instigates feelings of distrust between Tony and former Head of CTU Rebecca Ingram, played by Miranda Otto. Atias will be joining the cast of 24: Legacy includes Corey Hawkins (Eric Carter), Miranda Otto (Rebecca Ingram), Anna Diop (Nicole Carter), Teddy Sears (Keith Mullins), Jimmy Smits (John Donovan), Dan Bucatinsky (Andy), Coral Pena (Gia), Charlie Hofheimer (Marcus) and Ashley Thomas (Isaac Carter), Sheila Vand (Nilaa), Tiffany Hines (Aisha), Bailey Chase (Locke), Carlos Bernard (Tony Almeida), Raphael Acloque ( Jadalla ‘Jad’ bin-Khalid) and Themo Melikidze (Khasan Dubayev).


24: Legacy will premier in February 2017.

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